Where Do We Go From Here?

I started this site and this group as a way to keep the memory of my mom alive.  Making other people smile while they’re feeling down from cancer treatments or other illnesses is something that really makes me happy.  I know that lots of kind-hearted people signed up to join me on this mission for the same reason as well.

For some reason though, I have a really hard time getting people signed up to receive cards and tokens from our group.  What can you do?  Think real hard about people who you may know in your everyday life, church, work site, etc.  Is there someone who might benefit from a showering of cards?    If anybody knows of a way to reach out to those who are suffering and could use a “pick me up” from others, please contact me.  I’d LOVE to brainstorm on ways to get this group to grow and touch as many people as we can.

I’m not giving up…

photo-11(picture was taken from Pinterest)

Thanks for all you do!

Stacie xo

May is Melanoma Awareness Month – Please Read!

You had to know that I’d be starting off the month of May with a topic that is very near and dear to me.  May is Melanoma Awareness Month.  What does that mean?  It means that you are going to pay attention to every single new or changed spot on your body.  If anything looks suspicious, you are going to go the dermatologist to have it looked at.  Many facilities have FREE skin checks during the month of May.  Take advantage of the opportunities in your area.  Just do an Internet search to see what hospitals or facilities are participating in your area.

My mom had a suspicious spot on her genitals.  She didn’t think much of it at first.  The spot seemed to go away and then reappeared.  It began to concern her.  She made an appointment with her gynecologist who thought the spot looked “like something” and sent her to a surgeon to have it removed.  I was with her for that first surgery in September of 2009.  Several months later her general practitioner saw the pathology report from the surgery and was very alarmed.  The report said that she had melanoma.  She then started to see a melanoma specialist.  She basically had precautionary radiation treatments since none of her lymph nodes were involved.  Months later she did have lymph node involvement in several nodes in her groin.  Again, they did surgery to remove the nodes and did another round of radiation.  Months later she had melanoma on the outer wall of her stomach removed.  This time she had intense Interferon treatments for 30 days.  As the cancer spread she was now eligible for an FDA newly approved drug called Yervoy.  She had to endure the side effects.  The cancer eventually spread to her spleen, liver, stomach wall, pelvic wall, lungs and eventually her brain.  The doctors told her after 3 years of fighting and more treatments with terrible side effects that there was nothing else they could do.  She passed away peacefully on November 4th, 2012.

Why am I telling you these details??   Because I want YOU to know that melanoma is NOT something that anyone should take lightly.  It is not always just a spot or mole on your skin.  It can spread to every single organ in your body.  There is currently no cure.  There is a lot of research going on and several hopeful clinical trials for new treatments.  I am always preaching to everyone to wear sunscreen.  Now you know why.  Until you’ve known someone who has been affected by this awful cancer, you have no real idea of what melanoma really is.  I don’t want anybody else to find out the way that I did.  Wear your sunscreen.  Do those monthly skin checks at home.  Get your skin checked by a dermatologist annually.  Go in to see the doctor if you have any new or changing moles.  It can save your life!!  Prevention and early detection are SO important!

This weekend I will be walking in the Dallas, Texas AIM at Melanoma Walk for a Cure.  This is a walk to raise awareness of Melanoma and raise funds for research.  I am proud to say that my mom is one of the honorees for this year’s walk.  I am adding the link to my fundraising page if you would like to make a donation.

My mom and dad a few years ago.  Married 49 1/2 years!

Thanks for reading my story!!

Happy February!

I hope everyone is off to a good start for the month of February!

Our group has been up to amazing things!  We have over 60 people sending out cards on a weekly basis.  I’m hoping that we will continue to grow so that we can spread smiles all over the world.  Please take a minute to read the testimonials page from family members of a few of our card recipients.

Please tell your family and friends about our group and this website.  We would all love to send cards of encouragement to those that need it most.  The hardest part has been finding people to send cards to.  I’m really not sure why this is.  There are so many people suffering through cancer.  I’m confident that if we all spread the word everything will fall right into place.

Take a moment to think of those friends, family members and friends of friends who might benefit from  a showering of cards and sign them up today!

Source: helpink.org via Michelle on Pinterest

How Does This Whole Process Work?

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to take a minute and THANK everyone for all of the GREAT things you have been doing to bring sunshine and smiles to others who are going through tough times in their lives.

If you want to send cards to others, please go to the top of the website page and click on I Want to Send A Smile.  Only after you have filled out the form there will you receive the names of card recipients each Friday.

If you know of someone who would like to receive our cards, please go to the top of the website page and click on I Want to Receive a Smile.  The person’s name will then be added to our list and will be included in the Friday email.

I had a blog button made for this site.  If you have a blog, I’d love to have you put the button on your page and link back to this site.  Spread the word!


We’re growing every day and I’m so proud of what we are doing!

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is having a Happy Holiday Season. Take some extra time to hug your loved ones and enjoy their company.

As always, we are looking for people to send our cards to. If you know someone who could use some cheer, please sign them up by filling out the “receive a smile” form. And if you’re looking for a gratifying experience for yourself please consider signing up at the “send a smile” page.

Thanks again for joining me on this journey in remembering my mom. Happy New Year!!


Just Do It!

The newest list of Card Receivers has been emailed to everyone on the Senders List.  These lists will be sent on Friday evenings, allowing people to get a head start on sending their cards over the weekends while they are off of work.

If you know of someone who would benefit from a showering of cards, please fill in the appropriate form (located in the navigation bar at the top of this page).  If you haven’t signed up to be a Sender yet, please consider doing so.  Let’s continue to spread those smiles!!


First Assignments Have Been Sent

I sent out the list of our first 3 “Card Receivers” tonight.  If you did not get that email, then I do not have you on my “Sender’s List.”  Please go to the top of this page and click on the tab that says “Send a Smile.”  Please enter your information.  You will then be added to the list.  I feel that it is important to maintain as much privacy as possible by not posting the lists here on this site.  Doing so might broadcast people’s private information across the internet.  Instead, I am privately sending out emails with the information.  I hope this makes sense.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to send cards!  

Have a wonderful weekend!

Almost Ready to Go!

Thank you so much to my family and friends for supporting this project of mine.  It really means a lot to me!  We are almost ready to start sending out cards to those who may need encouragement and a smile.  December 1st, 2012 is the official kick-off date.

Here is a list of things that you can do to get ready:

  1. Sign up to be a “Sender.”  This is the only way to receive the list of receivers for the cards.  Signing up to receive emails of new blog posts will not get you on the list to be a sender.  Just fill out the simple and quick form which includes your “agreement” to abide by the rules.  We can never have too many Senders!!
  2. Please tell your friends, family and social media circles about this site.
  3. Start buying or making cards.  I usually shop the Encouragement and Thinking of You sections at my local card shop.  Most stores have $1 card sections nowadays.
  4. Stock up on stamps.  I always buy the Forever stamps since postage is always changing.
  5. Do you know someone who is currently suffering from cancer or another devastating illness?  Please sign them up as a “Receiver.”  We are currently seeking more people to receive cards and smiles.


Together we can make this happen!