Let’s Spread the Smiles Across the Miles

Hello my friends!  I wanted to thank everyone for contributing to this vision of mine through the past few years.  It really means a lot to me!!  Creating this site was one of the ways that I’ve found to help me honor the memory of my mom, and subsequently my dad.


I still feel a deep aching through my core at the thought of missing my parents and of the way that they both suffered at the end of their lives.  It was important for me to reach out to my friends, family and virtual friends to help me bring a smile to my mom’s face so she wouldn’t feel so alone.  The kind words from strangers gave her comfort.  It didn’t matter to her that most of the cards came from strangers.  Just hearing words of encouragement when someone is suffering can make the world of difference.

Miss You passion Relationship Romantic Concept

I find comfort in adding some sunshine to others who need it.  I started this site so that others could join me in sending cards to people dealing with cancer or another illness to put smiles on their faces.  The problem is, I can’t seem to get people to submit names and addresses of their friends and loved ones.  That’s where you all come in…  Please share this post on all of your social media.  It’s easy to do with the little rectangle buttons at the bottom of this post.

If you know someone who could benefit from receiving cards to make them smile, sign them up!  Please go to the top of this post and fill out my simple form for recipient information.  In addition, if you’d like to a part of my card sending/smile sending group then click at the top to be a sender.  The more the merrier and the more happiness we can spread.

Together we can make a difference!


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