
I am starting this site in memory of my mom who recently passed away after a 3 year battle with cancer.  During her chemotherapy I reached out to friends asking them to send my mom a card with words of encouragement.  She received cards from all over the world.  Each card put a smile on her face to know that others were encouraging her and praying for her as she battled on.

I have been a part of another wonderful organization that helps to lift the spirits of those fighting cancer.  I, however, want to be able to encourage and lift the spirits of those battling not only cancer but other diseases as well.  Unfortunately, most of us know others who are currently being touched by illness.

I am putting this site together so that we can all have the opportunity to give a smile today.  I am open to suggestions of all kinds.  Please sign up at the links above.  Together we can make this happen!


  1. Darlene

    Hello Stacie…I did not know until your latest blog about your mom who recently went to heaven. I’m just happy to know that I had a small part of bringing her sunshine smiles by sending her a card to let her know that she was being thought of…this is a great way to help you continue on in helping others with smiles…aloha! ~dee~


  2. Michele

    Hi Stacie, I am so sorry for your loss. But, what you are doing now is not only amazing to me it touches my heart as well. I lost my Grandmother (who raised me) to Cancer, I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor, and really words of encouragement mean so much while fighting this battle. Thank you again and for allowing me to help you help others! Michele


  3. Clare

    Such a great idea, Stacie! I signed up and shared on Facebook – what a wonderful tribute to your Mother and a way to bring smiles to those who need it most!


  4. hotroz

    Stacie, I am so sorry to see that your mother passed away. I knew that I had not been seeing you as much on You Tube. But It’s not been a great month. My cousin has had several reoccurring cancers. We were raised as sisters. I know the pain that you are feeling I lost my mother a year ago last December. My prayers go out to your family. This is an amazing tribute to the love that only a mother and daughter can share.


  5. kim

    I think we were seperated at birth. My Mom died three years ago also to cancer. The best part of her day was when she got a card in the mail. On my blog recently I started a snail mail for katie (a 5 year old with cancer) I asked my readers to send me a card for her. I got so many and then I sent her out a big envelope. I recently became a chemo angel and send out a card once a week. I love this idea! its something I would do.


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